Productive To-do List Method

A simple method to tackle your tasks

Like most of the list makers, I too love making lists for being productive. Creating to-do list started when I was doing my graduation and it still continues though I am a homemaker now.

There are few who say to-do list can reduce their productivity. The reason they blame to-do list is that they simply don’t have a procedure or method to follow.

From recent days, it was quite hard to manage my time. I tried various list making strategies and finally figured out a solution for completing my tasks and this was the idea that stuck me. It truly helps me and definitely can help you too if you are stuck in that same situation.

To-do List Method

– Divide your day into four segments; morning, noon, evening and night.

– ️Write three tasks for each segments of the day. For example,


‌1. Go for a walk

‌2. Post an article in the Medium platform

‌3. Complete e-learning assessments


‌1. Write and publish two articles online

‌2. Pay electricity bill

‌3. Send completed work to client

Similarly, you can schedule three tasks each for evening and night. You can use either digital medium or analog method (Notebook).

Through this, you will have minimum number of tasks, at the same time you can cover all the items for that day.

Imagine if you could do 12 tasks a day, for a week you can complete 84 and for a month, you can check off 252 tasks for a year.

The only thing you have to focus is about which tasks needs to be included in the list. Don’t simply add the easiest tasks just for the sake of completing. Instead, think twice about the priority of each task and continue to strike off once you complete.

Hope you will able to tackle all of your tasks now with this productive to-do list method.

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