Is Rock Salt better than Refined Salt?

A comparison.

Article written by: Gousiya Sulthana

Hello readers! 😊

When I ask people why do they use a product that is unhealthy, they tell me that they are not aware of any other alternative. Therefore they end up using that particular product even if they know that is unhealthy. After I decided to write about Salt, I asked people about different types of salts they know. I got only 2 types of salts as answer from majority of the individuals, table salt (refined free flowing salt) and sea rock salt (though they don’t use it). Based on the answers I received I thought of sharing other salts that can be used for cooking and they are much better compared to table salt.

Honestly, I don’t prefer using table salt for two reasons,

1. They are refined through various process which removes all minerals.
2. They have additives such as anti-caking agents that make the salt free flowing.

Though salt manufacturers claim that the anti-caking agents are harmless, I don’t like to add extra chemicals into my system unnecessarily. I like things to be less refined, more natural and chemical free. As I know other salts that are natural and chemical free I tend to use them more.
All salt have sodium and chloride but unrefined salts have extra trace minerals. I use 2 type of salt in my cooking,

Sea rock salt
• Himalayan pink salt

Sea rock salt
Sea rock salt is obtained by evaporating sea water. They are devoid of any additives, have trace minerals and these days they are iodized (addition of iodine) which makes it a good choice to use. Iodine is essential for hormone production, maintaining overall metabolism, supporting growth, regulating body temperature and for brain development in children. Sea salt have less amount of sodium compared to table salt. For example, 100g of table salt has 98 g sodium and chloride and 2 g of additives and whereas some sea rock salt have 85g of sodium chloride and 15 g of trace minerals that are important for our body function.

According to a recent study, sea rock salt tend to decrease high blood pressure levels whereas table salt cause increased blood pressure levels in rats.

Himalayan pink salt
Himalayan pink salt are mined from ancient salt deposits. These deposits were formed million of years ago when Himalayan sea dried up. These salt deposits are pink in colour cause of the minerals present in them and they are the most pure and unpolluted salt. This salt can be used as regular salt for cooking.

Are minerals from these salts sufficient for our body?

The answer is no. Cause the trace minerals are minimal in quantity. The amount of salt we take will also be minimal, therefore, there is no way that these trace minerals would be sufficient for our body. Moreover it is not recommended to take more than 5g of salt per day to fulfill trace minerals need. But if you ask why do I use these salts?

I use these salts because they are unrefined and have less additives. I strongly believe that, things that have been tested and used by our ancestors for generations would be better for us, rather than the new products that are available in the market. I also believe that, there are some undetermined facts that are yet to be discovered in raw and unrefined products from nature.

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