Passion – Finding the Purpose of Living

Kick start your passion now!

Article written by Nazia Tabasum A

What is your passion? What will you become? Your ambition? These questions arise, when we are in mid of our schooling. At those time, we randomly say we want to become a doctor, an engineer, a scientist and some even say an astronaut! But do we actually become what we told, in front of our class? It’s a big ‘no’. Yet, few have the determination and keen interest, so, they pursue and accomplish their dreams. What about the rest?

How many of us keep our passion alive?

Right from my seventh grade, I started to have interest in reading books, whenever my dad took me to the library. I used to dream that one day, my book too would be placed in the library and that’s how I became a writer.

Years passed and now, with Almighty’s blessings and family’s support, I re-started my writing journey and finally published two books this year and soon will publish my third one.

There were many lessons, that I got to learn through this literary journey. It really improvised my skills day by day, paved a way to self discovery and indeed helped me to become more confident than before.

I started designing my own book covers, promotional posters and other graphic works and that’s how I got to know and used CanvaA graphic designing platform. Later, I wanted to have a website of my own, thus explored wordpress and created my site. Soon after, I posted various writings in my blog and for that, I learnt SEO & content writing.

So, every time I am learning a new skill, it helps me to get more connected with my passion. And the more I stabilize the bond with that, it gives me a purpose for my living.

That’s how passion works! It helps you to find your life’s purpose and can also show you a clear picture of what you truly desire. In order to fulfill that, you have to make time for the activites you love.

So, if you already know your passion, take quick action. If not yet decided, start planning to have a one!

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