Communicate with Compassion

Emotional theory.

Article written by Nazia Tabasum A

Every person in this world experiences both sadness and happiness. But there is a hesitation to share pain rather than to share joy with others. Because we are attracted more towards positivity when compared to negativity and it’s a human tendency.

A day back, I met my colleague at a cafe. Although we had formal talks at work, this time our conversation was casual .

We spoke about our career, dreams and commitments. After three years of professional relationship, now there was a chance for us to get to know each other’s likes and dislikes.

Our communication was comfortable as there were moments of compassion while sharing a few personal things.

There is a beautiful saying, “Words are mightier than swords”.

Positive words with compassion can indeed boost our confidence. It will ease your situation and can help in solving your problems.

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