Power of Interdependence

Inspired from a story

Article written by Nazia Tabasum A and Asma Farheen A

We humans have a tendency to get inspiration through stories. A message from my dad this morning, popped up on my WhatsApp and that inspired me to write this article.

Here is that beautiful story.

A young girl and her father were walking along a forest path. 

At some point, they came across a large tree branch on the ground in front of them. 

The girl asked her father, “If I try, do you think I could move that branch?” 

Her father replied, “I am sure you can, if you use all your strength.” 

The girl tried her best to lift or push the branch, but she was not strong enough and she couldn’t move it. 

She said, with disappointment, “You were wrong, dad. I can’t move it.” 

Try again with all your strength,” replied her father. 

Again, the girl tried hard to push the branch. She struggled but it did not move. 

Dad, I cannot do it,” said the girl.

Finally, her father said, “Young lady, I advise you to use ‘all your strength’. You didn’t.

You didn’t ask for my help.

Moral :

Our real strength lies not in independence, but in interdependence.

To ask for help and support when we need it is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of wisdom.


That’s the end of the story with an insightful moral.

We talk proudly about independence but this one is a rare topic.

Now, you would have got an idea what exactly interdependence means. To say precisely, interdependence is a mutual dependence between things. 

A best example would be marriage. Couples are dependent on each other with mutual understanding. 

Likewise, your kids, your parents, friends, colleagues and even a stranger you meet, either they or us are interdependent someway or another.

Especially while facing any problems in our life, we hesitate to share and get support from others.

Although we are capable of handling things, at certain times, we need dependence. When we are confused and stuck, others’ advice or opinion is much required.

Being independent is a sign of liberty, but being interdependent can help you live with morality.

As described in the story, asking for help needs courage and that’s where our strength lies.

So, if you are stuck at any phase of your life, approach others without any hesitation. That will be the wisest decision you will ever make in your life.

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