Pandemic – Adapted Changes

An Overview

Article written by Nazia Tabasum A

COVID 19 – An epidemic outbreak that started in Wuhan- China, is still ruling our world, taking many lives and disrupting normal life.

We have all gone through difficult times and some are still going through many things from losing loved ones, becoming financially unstable and losing peace. Lockdowns, curfews, wearing masks, sanitizing and maintaining social distance have become this epidemic’s trend. 

The hardest part we suffered were those times when the pandemic hit a peak and various variants started to spread. People were forced to stay at home and they were forcefully distanced when they got infected.

It’s almost been three years since this COVID and we are still hearing various news about deaths and illness around the world.

This article list outs important facts that this pandemic has taught.

1. Family is the most important wealth. At times of fear, our family’s support comforted us more than any other materialistic things.

2. We had many volunteers who served the country by taking risks to save others’ lives.

3. There was a considerable rise in social services that helped to ease people’s hunger and also provided employment opportunities.

4. Through this pandemic, there was a chance to find advanced medicines and vaccines to cope with this invisible virus.

5. We are now perfectly adapted to our new norms and new work routines and organisations are still opting to work from home to cut costs.

6. Everything has become digital. We prefer contactless delivery for online shopping.

7. We never forget to wear masks during social gatherings. Safety has become our highest priority.

8. This lockdown served as a phase to learn different skills. An engineer turned into a chef and a sports person got well-versed in coding.

9. We have become too addicted to the social media and they have become our best companions.

10. Life is uncertain. A healthy person also becomes a victim of this pandemic and we have now learnt not to take our lives for granted and cultivated the habit of gratitude.

We are still not sure about when this virus crisis will end but the changes it has caused will be always remembered for ever.

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