An Art of Duties

Knowing right difference.

Article written by Nazia Tabasum A

This thought provoking scene from one of my favourite movies, ‘English Vinglish‘, well portrays the reality of how women are always underestimated, no matter the efforts they make throughout their lives.

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In particular, homemakers, who are the pillars of every family, deserve a lot of respect and encouragement. But, in reality, they are the most who are always unappreciated.

The rest of the family thinks that a woman is a sole responsible for taking care of the home and it is her duty to cook, clean and manage other chores.

They never think about the difficulties she faces while handling those responsibilities, amidst of tiredness, criticisms and mood swings.

Inside the four walls, she tries hard to give her best, but her efforts are always considered as her duty.

Eating that small piece of her favourite cake, having dinner finally after serving others, washing dishes while the rest of the family watches her favourite movie: These are not her duties, yet she makes all these sacrifices because family is her priority.

But does she get the same importance in return? Maybe the past and current generations have failed to understand, but, hope in future, there may be chances to prove that the responsibilities every woman manages, are not just mere duties, but a beautiful art that she does with peculiarity.

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