Let Those Ships Sail

That’s what they are built for !!!

Article written by Nazia Tabasum A

“A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.”

John A. Shedd

I am always fascinated by the quotes, which are thought-provoking. Like the one above, which I can relate very much with an important life’s phase of every woman.

There is a philosophy in our society, i.e, until a woman doesn’t get married, her life is not complete. Parents feel restless until they find a good life partner for their daughter. They feel relief and a sense of fulfillment of their duty when she is happily settled with her husband’s family.

But do women feel satisfaction like their parents? Although, yeah, they are happy in their married life, does it mean they are supposed to sacrifice their desires and just focus on home and responsibilities?

It doesn’t mean that a wedding is like a stopper for them. Most women limit themselves by thinking that family and handling responsibilities are their major purpose and thus, they don’t make time for fulfilling their dreams.

Let’s correlate the above-said quote with a married woman’s life. Women have a desire to create their own identity through following their dreams. Few make that effort, while others, although capable, are still like the ships in harbours. Those ships, indeed, have the immense potential to sail in a vast ocean amidst the storms.

Family, responsibilities, managing the home, apart from all these, every woman must make time for pursuing her desires and passion, especially after getting married.

They should never think that marriage is a barrier. Instead, should start using that phase to follow their goals.

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