Addiction or Connection?

Digital Trap.

Article written by Nazia Tabasum A

Recently, I faced some technical issues with my mobile, due to which I couldn’t use it. Almost after hours of troubleshooting, I finally got relief when it started to function back to normal. I was worried and feeling anxious while thinking about what if my phone didn’t work, because it is like my close companion.

This led me to write an article about why we are too much connected and addicted to these digital gadgets nowadays.

Not only mobile phones, but other accessories like laptops, PCs, tablets and game stations, indeed help people to conquer boredom, at the same time, causing too many mental and health complications.

In particular, kids these days are efficient enough to operate digital devices, equally compared to adults.

Some parents do feel proud thinking that their children are well-versed in learning technologies at a young age, but sooner or later, they regret it when their kids get addicted to this digital stuff that, in turn, impacts their behavior and education.

This research article will give detailed insight into this topic.

Digital decluttering is hard. There are many books and blogs that give numerous practical steps to start digital decluttering, but do we ever make initiatives to follow?

While we are engrossed with digital devices’ day and night, we also make new year’s resolutions to be productive for the entire year. Is that logical?

Instead of strengthening our digital bonds, we should start considering and make it a priority to strengthen our social bonds, which we are less bothered about these days.

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