Criticism – A Resource for Growth

Do you get criticized?

Article written by Nazia Tabasum A

Criticism – In general, this term is often labelled as a negative energy. That’s how we feel right from our childhood. But do these criticisms are completely negative? Or we never interpret what this actually means?

While writing, I always like to use metaphoric examples to describe my thoughts. So, this article will have a similar pattern, through which you can understand the concepts of criticism.

We all know how trees grow. Two major resources, water and sunlight, help those trees to flourish. Similarly, if we are following our goals and dreams, criticism, acts as a major resource much like an encouragement.

Water does make the roots of the trees strong, but sunlight, although it produces scorching heat, indeed helps the trees to get nutrition. Infact, if that light is absent, those trees cannot even survive.

Positive feedback can motivate you, will strengthen your soul like water strengthens the roots. But criticism can actually help you to take progressive steps, though that may look negative like the heat of the sunlight.

Nazia Tabasum A

But remember, for the healthy growth of a tree, an equal proportion of water and sunlight is required. Less amount of water will weaken the roots and long exposure to sunlight can wither the trees.

No matter how hard you are trying to achieve your dreams, prepare yourself to respond to constructive and destructive comments in a balanced way. If there are no criticisms, you will not know your strengths and if there are minimal encouragements, it might hinder your improvement.

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