Deeper Roots

Importance of Family Connections.

Article written by Nazia Tabasum A

We are all occupied with our daily routines and quite busy in our day- to-day life. There is an unique happiness in spending time with our family members, yet, we do not get those chances frequently.

However, once in a while, during any special occasions, there comes a family reunion and that gives us memorable moments to strengthen our relationships.

I would like to convey the above briefly through my poetry, as at times, words are a better medium to express than the verbal communication.

It’s been months,
Since we all met
And this get-together,
Gave us memorable moments

We talked and laughed
With groups we had
Two days passed
We thoroughly rejoiced

This wedding occasion
Indeed, filled the gaps
Hope we will meet again,
When there is an another chance

This get-togetherness, not only gives us good memories, but at the same time, paves a way to bridge the gap and continue the bonds that are being followed throughout our previous generations.

Family — Like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.


It is necessary to value family bonding and be a part of it, as they are one of the most essential connections to brighten up our life.

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