
Cuckoo and The Crows

There was a crow’s nest,
On a tree, that faced towards west
Under the shades of the leaves,
Those two crows lived with peace

The nest had seven eggs,
One of them was different from the rest
It was none other’s than a cuckoo’s,
That doesn’t own a nest

A few days passed,
Finally the eggs were hatched
Baby crows were in a group,
The cuckoo chick was alone without pair

Two crows fed the kids,
And they taught them to fly
But the little cuckoo struggled,
Also was scared about the height

It needed encouragement,
And a gentle push to fly
It sought the help of two baby crows,
But they neglected to teach

Yet, it didn’t loose the hope,
Because other crows offered their support
Finally the chick circled in the sky,
And it sang beautifully with a joyed their support
Finally the chick circled in the sky,
And it sang beautifully with a joy

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