Rejuvenating Bonds

Rekindling lost connections.

Article written by Nazia Tabasum A

Ever experienced joy, while meeting someone after a long time? It may be one of your family members, friends, well-wishers or neighbours. The feeling we get will be difficult to verbally express.

The above feels good to read, but do we actually take initiatives to reconnect the bonds which are slowly lost?

“Keep in touch” – This is a common promise we all make while bidding adieu. But very few make an effort to keep up this promise effectively.

Today, I happened to meet one of my close neighbours after a year. We happily spent time talking about our current life and remembering old memories. I was cheerful as it was a special moment of the day.

Although, I can’t express that excitement through words, this incident can help you realise the happiness we get, while reconnecting with such meaningful relationships.

So, what are you waiting for? If you remember any person while reading this article, rejuvenate the lost bond either through a message, a call or by meeting them in person. The joy you will get will be worth to remember.

2 thoughts on “Rejuvenating Bonds

  1. James says:

    Hello Nazia , first would like to thank you for the kindness in meeting my parents and giving them the joy of memories,and showing them care and concerns. I feel proud of you , to know you have emerged to be a powerfull person in words and deeds , I was pure joy reading this article a d other at your blog , all the best and Gods blessings .

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