Independence – Right or a Choice?

An Overview

Article written by Nazia Tabasum A

Gone are those days where women had minimal chances to be independent. They had a hard time getting complete education and though educated, they weren’t allowed to work.

In this century, women have opportunities to choose their career, but they have many hurdles to face.

Especially, if a wife wants to continue her career, she has restrictions. Only with her husband’s and in-laws permission, she is allowed to work.

Why does a women have to struggle a lot, although there are chances to be independent?

In this society, independence is not considered as the right of a woman. Instead, it is taken as an option. We can’t deny it because this is the fact.

Women are given equal opportunities in work. Yet, they have to undergo many difficulties to thrive in their career.  

An understanding family and a supportive environment alone can be the major strengths for every working woman.

If this concept is clearly understood, women will be encouraged, rather than allowed to work.

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