Sharing is Caring

A common phrase but with deep meaning.

Article written by Nazia Tabasum A

Sharing is caring – We have been taught this habit right from our childhood. As days go on, this ideology is subsequently followed more by women than compared with men.

Straight to the point, it is sad to hear that older generations still think that men are considered superior in a family and their major part is to manage finance and expenses.

Every man has a desire to build his dream house but he doesn’t contribute enough to make it a home.

Most men in a family feel disrespected when they are asked to share the workloads at home. They have a thought that home chores should only be taken care of by their partners and lending a supportive hand makes them feel inferior.

At the same time, it is great to see the changes happening nowadays in this century. A wife equally supports family by managing expenses and a husband also understands her pressures and he equally contributes in managing the home.

Our society lauds these kinds of supportive men who share the home responsibilities, but the same society doesn’t appreciate women who simultaneously manage their work and family.

Looks like a biased topic? Not at all. This article is not intended to point out, rather it emphasizes that men should also play a role in managing their home, as well as reminds that by sharing the responsibilities, they can help to lessen women’s burden.

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