Happiness Capsule – II

Article written by: Nazia Tabasum A

Everyone has a desire to change their life. But very few make an effort to live life in the way they need.

Wisdom – 5 shows how a person can change his/her life in simpler and effective ways. There are so many ways to change our lives, but these strategies will be very helpful for someone who wants to know the initial ways to change their way of living.

1. Difficult to change life, easy to change the way of living

2. Habits transformation

3. Little things matter the most.

4. Embrace the emotions

5. Grow Gratitude

Difficult to change life, easy to change the way of living

It is difficult to change our lives, because that power is only with God. But it is quite easy to change the way of our living with the help and the blessings of the Almighty.

Habits transformation

Know the reason for change. Some may want happiness, some may want peace, some may need to be productive. Without a reason, progress is impossible .Plan the areas of life where you need to change habits.

  • Spiritual
  • Health
  • Relationship
  • Career
  • Financial
  • Passion
  • Education
  • Fun and recreation

Once you start to decide the areas, plan to make a small changes which can make a vast results.

Little things matter the most.

Never underestimate the power of little things in your life because they matter the most. Create a checklist for each area of life. Start with one simple doable task and you will feel happiness when you start to accomplish it. Start to celebrate small wins as they are the true boosters, which makes us do more doable tasks.

Embrace the emotions

Never try to suppress your emotions, instead know the ways to handle them. Embrace all your negative emotions ( fear, depression, anger ) . Never try to drive them away , because till your last breath, they are your soulmates.

Grow Gratitude

Gratitude makes you humble. Analyze your day thoroughly and practice to write the list of things that really made you feel happy for the day. Writing those lists will really boost you up when you feel low. Actions matter the most.

Start practicing the strategies and you will start to reach the desired destination in your life.

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