Tender Roots

Do you spare time for your parents?

Article written by Nazia Tabasum A

Movies help us to forget our stress, serve as a mode of entertainment. I am not a person who loves action, fiction and other sci-fi movies. My selection always includes realistic stories and emotional movies that make an impact, provoke my thoughts and provide ample life lessons.

It’s been seven years since a brilliant, light-hearted bollywood movie “Piku“, released in the year 2015. But the impact it has created will always be etched in my heart.

This article is definitely not a review, but rather conveys the important lesson that this movie has taught.

“Piku” emphasizes how our parents need to be cared for during their old age. This is a common fact and everyone is aware of it. Though, sometimes we need these kinds of movies to correlate this fact more clearly in an emotional way.

Source: Pinkvilla

This dialogue conveys the core of this article. “It’s the responsibility of children to take care of their parents during their old age because they struggle to do that all alone.”

At a certain age, our parents need the most attention and care from their grown-up kids. But how many adults are sparing time for their parents?

We are quite busy with our digital gadgets and never take time to think about how much our parents need our companionship.

Although few really care. Like Piku’s character in this movie.

She takes a long break from her busy work schedule to spend quality time with her aged father.

She even fulfills her dad’s desire by accepting to travel on the road instead of flight.

Quits her plan to sell the property because of the unwillingness of her father.

Conveys to her friend about the importance of not judging parents and painfully expresses how much she misses her dad after his loss.

Source: Cinema Therapy Twitter

We are ready to sacrifice our sleep for late night work, prioritize our life partners and kids, even adjust our busy schedules to meet friends and relatives. Although we are worried about our parents, show appropriate concern about their health issues, and provide them with all the comfortable facilities, we still don’t pay much attention to spend quality time with them.

We think that social media can relieve our parents’ loneliness but forget to understand that those digital things, will never become their emotional attachments on our behalf.

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