A Gentle Push


A power for improvement.

Article written by Nazia Tabasum A

We humans always have dreams to achieve in our life. While pursuing those dreams, often we feel low and thus, long for encouragement. And if we don’t get that, at times, it becomes a hurdle in our progress and leads to failure. So what should we need in those times?

A gentle push. Yup! A push from others is what helps us to get back on our goal track and perform much better than before.

A few days back, I happened to notice two crows and their chicks in a tree, near my balcony. The crows often pushed these chicks gently from the nest and taught them the art of flying. Although initially due to fear, they didn’t fly, as days passed on, I could see the entire family of those crows, that were flying high in the sky.

This made me to realise how I am encouraged by my family, especially my dad, who has supported me throughout my literary journey.  I remember those days, when I had no courage to show my writings, and now, I have stopped using a pen name to hide my identity. Although this is not an achievement, my family’s motivation has paved a way to show my writings to others, without any hesitation.

People often get confused about appreciation and encouragement. While appreciating someone can make them feel they are the best, encouraging them can serve as a push, to do the best.

Nazia Tabasum A

So, if you ever get an opportunity to motivate someone, remember that your encouraging words will not only help them to conquer their fears, it will also give courage for them to do better in their progress.

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