Happiness Capsule

Self help article.

Written by : Nazia Tabasum A

We have heard many techniques, strategies to have a peaceful life with ton of happiness. Those techniques, strategies looks funny at first and it becomes hard if we start to follow them.

Every self help books always focus on how to improve our life, how to live the life we want. But we do not have that much time to read n number of books. Indeed each books are unique and convey many points which will definitely help us.

So, after reading more that many self help books, I found a strategy which indeed helped me a lot to overcome depression and live the life I wanted.

1. Connection with God

2. Growing Gratitude

3. Breaking Bad Habits

These three things are the base if any one wants to change their life.

1. Connection with God

The more we connect with God, the peace will flow abundantly from our heart. Spirituality opens the heart to get peace and happiness. Everyone has their own way to have infinite connection with God. It will also help you to self discover about yourself in your point of view.

2. Growing Gratitude

Counting blessings always leads to positive vibes. Believe it or not, start to write gratitude journal and you will definitely feel how much blessed you are and that automatically urge you to do good things. Read out all the points you have written on each day and you will get a unique feel that you are gifted a beautiful life.

3. Breaking Bad Habits

This is the base to change the life. Forming a new habit is more easy then breaking a old habit. But if we truly want to change our life, we should come out of our “comfort zone”. When you start breaking your bad habits, you will feel that you have achieved a good progress in changing your life.

If you start following the above strategies, boost yourself by giving you a small reward that will definitely make you feel that you got the fruit for your accomplishment.

Patience is the key for all the three strategies. It may take a month, an year or even many years to change completely, but if you have already started to working on the progress, that will be a turning point for the changes to happen.

All the best to all those people who are obsessed to change their life towards tranquility.

Want to change your life. Give a try reading this article

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