Daughter or an Outsider?

Becoming a guest at our own home.

Article written by Nazia Tabasum A

Every woman attains a stage where she has to leave her home after wedding.

Bidding adieu is the most hardest part at that time and each married woman can relate this emotion very well.

Women undergo a lot of emotional imbalance at their beginning of married life. Though, they are adjustable at many places and try hard to get along with their in-laws, they truly miss their home and family.

As the days pass, every daughter becomes a guest at her own home. But this will not be agreed nor felt by her parents because they could never differentiate.

They advise to prioritise her new home and family after her marriage, at the same time, become upset when we tell them that we are feeling like an outsider now.

Our parents comfort us that a home and family will always be constant and say ‘once a daughter, always a daughter!’.

Still, why do we get a feeling of becoming a guest at our own home?
Why do we feel like a stranger, though we get the same care and affection?

  • Is it because we visit for a limited period or stay shortly for minimal days?
  • Or there is now an interference in our bond?

After wedding, connection between a daughter and her home slowly weakens because; she is no more a part of her family like she used to be.

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