Tradition or Controversion?

An Overview.

Article written by Nazia Tabasum A

Post suggested by Md. N Tanveer

Recently, I came across this post on social media and was discussing about this with my close friend. We were indeed proud about how Mrs. Raffia Arshad, had firm determination to pursue her dream, along with valuing her tradition.

We talked about recent views on the headscarf and also shared why there were sudden discrepancies regarding this topic.

This article is not intended to hurt the ones who are against this tradition. The motive is to spread a peaceful message about not to interrupt the customs that were followed from the ancient times.

India is a diverse nation and it accepts and respects every community. As a universal country, it gives full rights to each community, so that they follow their cultures without any hindrance.

At some point of time, confusions and controversies arise about  specific customs, which apparently creates a gap between the unity of people.

There are so many things in this nation that requires civilian’s efforts and support.

• ‌Taking initiative to preserve the environment.

• ‌Standing together and lending support to provide basic needs, especially educating the future generations.

• ‌With mutual understanding, creating job opportunities for the deserving ones.

• ‌Understanding the capability and empowering women.

These are just a few examples.

The people’s energy should be wisely used in a beneficial way that can help to reform and strengthen the nation. Instead, if it is diverged, it might break the bond and weaken the connection.

To conclude, every individual should unite and focus especially on improvising their country. If this is done with responsibility, there won’t be any misunderstandings between the communities.

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