Woven Words

Writer’s tale.

Article written by Nazia Tabasum A

A literary journey is tremendous, when the writer is constantly on track. Writing is healing and it is where unspoken emotions are expressed. But what does a writer actually need?

The answer to this question is quite simple. But what’s the answer? I would like to share that through my poem, so that it can be well understood.

Like a little spider,
I weave my words
To show my thoughts,
To this giant world

There are many people,
Who dislikes a spider’s web
Yet, few are there,
They get quite impressed

No matter the likes or dislikes,
The spider eloquently weaves its web
Very few find it beautiful,
For the rest, it’s like the dust.

Writing is underrated. Not all will show interest in reading the woven words. But very few readers emotionally get connected with those meanings.

And only for those kind of readers, all writers write ! They portray each word with emotions, at times with vulnerability and always with reality.

Through these, readers can relate the writings with their situation and they realise that they have a companion, who understands their emotions.

Few may still want to know clearly about what exactly a writer needs. All they expect is a reader’s keen interest, which will be a lamp for their light.

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